Module verace.js/bt

The Build Tool

The multi-platform multi-language build tool.

  • Out of the box support for typescript and go
  • Easy extensibility
  • Modular build process with json configuration


  1. Create a project
$ npx verace -p verace.js create-exe

  1. Run it
$ npx verace -p verace.js run-exe

  1. Develop your app
  2. Build it
$ npx verace -p verace.js build-exe


When working on different projects, differences in build procedure can sometimes arise due. Verace.js aims to centralise build procedures. By implementing standardisation, bugs are more easily found and dealt with. This project was originally written for two specific projects, but then it was expanded outwards in scope an generalised.


Standalone installation

Add a compiled stand-alone binary from releases to your local path $PATH


export VERACE="/path/to/verace"

Installing using npm

$ npm i verace.js -g

Running using npx

It is also possible to use npx to avoid a permanent install:

$ npx verace.js

All commands assume a permanent system binary is installed. If npx is used instead. Replace all mentions of verace with npx verace -p verace.js The -p verace.js is needed because this package exposes multiple binaries.


Two examples corresponding to the output of running $ verace create-exe :


$ verace
Setting up execution instance. ID: 20ld183
__ __ ___ _ __ __ _ ___ ___ (_) ___
\ \ / // _ \| '__|/ _` | / __|/ _ \ | |/ __|
\ V /| __/| | | (_| || (__| __/ _ | |\__ \
\_/ \___||_| \__,_| \___|\___|(_)_/ ||___/
The multi-platform, multi-language build tool
Usage: verace [options] [command]

The Verace.js CLI Toolchain

-V, --version output the version number
-p --path <path> Path to verace config file.
-v --verbose Provides verbose logs
-h, --help display help for command

help Shows this message
create-exe Creates an executable.
build-exe [options] Builds the project according to the verace config file
run-exe [arguments...] Runs the current project
version Manage package versions

Purging execution instance. ID: 20ld183

Verace.js CLI exited without errors.

Global Options

-p, --path <path>

Set this to the path to the [ verace config ] file for operations on projects that are not in the current directory.

-v --verbose

Outputs verbose messages about the build. Spelling errors are to be expected in places.

-V --version

Outputs the version number and exits


Creates a new project with a dialog.

-p --path <path>

Can either be set to a folder, or a verace config file. If the folder does not exist, it will be automatically created.


Build the project.


Disables the running of [ build hooks ]


Skips the packageing step used when building typescript projects. [ See more ]


Runs the current project without creating a permanent build.


Verace.js uses semver versioning to manage individual project versions. The version is stored in the version field of [ verace config ], and passed to each program in its [ environment data ]. It can be managed with:

